What to do if there is a discrepancy with your order
If you notice any discrepancies with your order, or if you receive the wrong item, please contact Jomashop immediately to make any necessary corrections. Please note that product discrepancies must be reported to Jomashop within 5 days of delivery in order to be eligible for replacement. We kindly request that you do not use any items that you believe are incorrect, as doing so may void our ability to exchange or replace them. If you need assistance with international shipping, please refer to our International Shipping Issues section below. Please contact us within 5 days of receiving your shipment if your item is defective. You may be asked to provide photographs of the discrepant item(s) to help us better assist you.
Return Shipping for orders with a discrepancy
We may provide return shipping if we made a mistake with your order. Return shipping labels will be provided via email. Please print the label and tape it to the shipping carton. In such cases, we will not reimburse or refund shipping charges if you choose not to use our shipping label.
International Shipping Issues
If an International order is received damaged or not received at all, an insurance claim must be initiated and finalized before customer compensation or product replacement is executed by Jomashop. If the item is received damaged, please contact Jomashop within five business days of delivery to conduct a claim. Please hold onto your shipping box because our insurance company may want to inspect it. If the item is not received at all, we are required to wait 45 days after the shipment date to conduct an insurance claim.
Need more help?
Get in touch with our customer service team through any of these options:
- Dial (877) 834-1434 for customer service. Our phone hours are 9:00AM - 6:00PM ET (Monday - Thursday) and 9:00AM - 3:00PM ET on Fridays.
- Engaging in live chat with our team via this link
- Visiting our Customer Service center for email support.
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